Sunday Newsletter - Are You Sure You're Doing The Right Thing? (14th July 2024)
Jul 14, 2024
Hello Reader,
Wishing you a blessed and peaceful Sunday, irrespective of what is happening in the bigger world view.
I hope I find you focusing on your self-care and peace as the crazy gets crazier over the next few days.
I have just switched on my internet to the news of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
I am led to believe that this may be the domino falling on a series of unusual and massively impactful, and potentially shocking events to take place in the coming days.
So I am grabbing my coffee, sitting in observer mode and doing my utmost not to be sucked in to the drama.
Maybe you think I’m the mad one. And maybe stepping away from the news and social media to focus on your own self-care this week, isn’t such a bad suggestion irrespective of so called 'predictions'.
Grab a cuppa and let’s explore what you can do to stay balanced and objective during times of extreme change.
What Has been My Lesson of the Week That Might Help You?
Here are the powerful lessons and ‘Life hacks’ that I have been lucky enough to learn this week.
1 – Life Lesson – Sitting in Fear, trauma and overwhelm, is the wrong energy from which to make decisions - Keeping Cool: Resisting Emotional Decision-Making
2 – Business Boost – Riding the Waves: Decision Making for Online Entrepreneurs in Choppy Waters
“Keeping Cool: Resisting Emotional Decision-Making”.
This week my lesson from the Universe has been a reminder that it’s best to make decisions from a place of emotional balance.
Some of the worst decisions I have made in my life, with the most impactful, negative consequences, have occurred when I have listened to ‘good advice’ over my own instincts.
And, those very people that were insistent I take their advice, were suddenly conspicuous by their absence when it came to dealing with the fallout and picking up the pieces.
The second category of worst decisions I have made, have been when I have reacted out of emotion.
Again, leading to some bigger challenges, broken relationship and loss that could have been avoided.
Here’s an example…
Have you ever reluctantly opened an email that you really didn’t want to open, because you were assuming the negative content.
Once you’ve opened it you’ve flown into some emotional response and got all caught up in something like judgement, justification, ‘how dare they’ stuff?
Maybe you take yourself off for a walk to cool down and then sit to respond. You reread the email and realise it didn’t say what you had imagined it did. You misread it. Your brain, filled with emotion, cortisol and adrenalin, created words and phrases that just weren’t there.
A close call. Phew!
But what happens when we respond in the ‘heat of the moment’?
Not so good.
Here are some strategies to help you through:
Recognize the Triggers
First things first, know your triggers. Is it a snippy email from a friend? An unexpected bill? An event in the news?
Identifying what sets off your emotional alarms can help you take a step back before reacting. When you feel that familiar rush of emotion, pause. Take a deep breath and give yourself a moment to process.
Hit the Pause Button
When emotions are high, it's easy to make snap decisions that you might regret later. If you find yourself in this situation, hit the pause button. Take a walk, grab a coffee, or even sleep on it. Giving yourself some time can help you gain perspective and approach the situation more rationally.
Seek a Second Opinion
Sometimes, all you need is a fresh pair of eyes. Talk to a trusted family member, coach, or friend who can offer an objective viewpoint.
They can help you see things from a different angle and provide valuable insights that your emotions might be clouding.
Focus on the Facts
When you're feeling triggered, it's easy to let emotions overshadow the facts as I mentioned in my example.
Take a step back and look at the data. Check your sources.
What do the real facts say? What are the actual risks and benefits? Grounding your decision in facts rather than feelings can lead to more sound and effective outcomes.
Practice Mindfulness
Incorporating mindfulness practices into your routine can help you stay centred and calm, even in stressful situations.
Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or even a quick mindfulness exercise can help you stay grounded and make decisions from a place of clarity rather than emotion.
I use Headspace multiple times a day to help me take a break and get back to balance.
Create a Decision-Making Framework
Having a structured approach to decision-making can be a lifesaver when emotions run high. Even just going through the process can help dissipate the tension.
Remember the Big Picture
When emotions are running high, it's easy to lose sight of your long-term goals and the big world view.
How does this situation that’s triggered you, impact you personally, if at all?
Is there anything you can do about it?
Keeping the big picture in mind can help you make choices that are in line with your long-term success.
Final Thoughts
Emotions are a natural part of being human, and they can even be a source of strength and passion in your life. But when it comes to decision-making, it's crucial to keep them in check.
Steer yourself towards steady, thoughtful outcomes that you are happy to own.
Stay cool, stay focused, and keep making those smart, life choices!
And remember, everything is as you see it and not necessarily as it is.
Let’s continue with the ‘Decision Making in Challenging Times’ for this week’s Business Boost.

This Weeks Business Boost
Riding the Waves: Decision Making for Online Entrepreneurs in Choppy Waters
Hey there, fellow digital CEO’s!
Let's chat about something we all face but don't always love to admit: making tough calls when the world's gone a bit bonkers.
You know, those moments when you're staring at your screen, wondering if you should pivot, persevere, or just grab a pizza and binge-watch your favourite show. (Spoiler: The pizza is always a good idea, but maybe not as your only strategy.) My ‘go to’ show this week has been reruns of ‘Bake-off’. No thinking involved!
So, how do we keep our cool and make smart moves when things get wild? Here are some tips:
1. Phone a friend (or five)
Don't go all lone wolf on this (like me). Bounce ideas off your team, your mentor, a group you are in or even that smart cookie you met at a networking event.
Sometimes, the best ideas come from unexpected places.
Plus, it's way less lonely at the top when you bring others along for the ride.
I made my ‘phone a friend’ call yesterday. What magic resulted! I am so very grateful.2. Ready, fire, aim (but maybe don't close your eyes)
Analysis paralysis is real, folks.
Sometimes, you've got to take the plunge and figure it out as you go. Just make sure you're keeping an eye on the results and ready to change course if needed. It's like surfing – you can't always predict the waves, but you can learn to ride them.
I’m taking a few risks myself this week. Wish me luck!3. Pick your battles
Not every decision needs to be treated like you're choosing the fate of the universe.
Focus on the big stuff that'll really move the needle for your biz.
But don't ignore those little choices either – sometimes it's the small tweaks that lead to the biggest wins. Remember the 1% rule – cumulative small moves in the right direction get big results.4. Embrace your inner nerd
Break out those decision-making tools!
A good old pros and cons list or a fancy decision matrix can be lifesavers when your brain feels like scrambled eggs.
It's like having a GPS for your business decisions.
If in doubt toss a coin. If it lands on the choice you don’t want, you’ll know!5. Plan for the "what ifs"
Channel your inner Boy/Girl Scout and be prepared. Think about different scenarios – the good, the bad, and the "holy moly, I didn't see that coming."
Having a Plan B (and C, and D) up your sleeve can help you sleep better at night.
At the same time – go all in on plan A, until you know differently.6. Trust your gut, but maybe give it a fact-check
Your entrepreneur spidery-sense is a superpower, but it's not infallible. When your gut's telling you something, listen – but maybe do a quick double check to back it up.7. Shout it from the rooftops (or at least your Zoom screen)
Once you've made your choice, own it!
Let your team and customers know what's up.
Being open about your decisions (even the tough ones) builds trust and gets everyone on board.
Remember, making decisions is like working out – it might feel uncomfortable at first, but you get stronger every time you do it.
‘So flex those decision-making muscles, and before you know it, you'll be the Arnold Schwarzenegger of choosing your own business and life adventure.”.
Choosing Happy Podcast Update
A reminder that the podcast is now published on Thursday mornings so that I’m not clashing with lives and other content.
It’s the 73rd Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 18th July 2024 – I am leaving this weeks episode open, to accommodate our shifting times.
I’m declaring August ‘Spiritual Woo’ month, when I’ll be interviewing healers, coaches, psychics and energy workers about expanding our consciousness to expand our capacity for happy.
All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast host or on the website at
Also, before I go, 2 quick things:

#1 – Interested in Creative Writing?
I have created so much content during the current Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge that I’m creating a few mini workshops that you’ll be able to access at the website – ‘Show, Don’t Tell’, Structure of writing and more.
I am also going to run the challenge again from August 12th .
You’ll get full access to all of the content and workshops, and get to challenge yourself to practice, grow and get ready to get published (if you want to) over 33 days of community, accountability and creation.
I’ve set up a waitlist for you so you can get all the details as soon as they are available, including when registration opens.
You can find the wait list here:
#2 – What if we solve your problem in One Hour?
This week only, I am opening up 5 single POWER HOUR sessions with me, where we can solve your most pressing issue together for good.
What can we do in one hour?
a strategy to achieve your top goal - drafted for you
10 social media posts written for you
A Domino breakthrough to catapult your success, identified
Quick wins and low hanging fruit identified
Have a Phobia completely disappear (get on that plane this year)
an attitude adjustment so powerful, you leave with a new perspective and new enthusiasm for your business/life
Identify your niche
email funnel mapped out
tools to reset or soothe your nervous system
and more
The way this works is you simply hit reply to this Newsletter with the words “I’M IN.”
I will send you a payment link for £400.
Once you have secured your spot, we will book your session at your convenience.
At the time of your call, we will hop on together, work up a plan so you leave clear and confident to get the result you want. (Or I have completely set up the tech for you. Or got rid of that phobia/block)
You will get the recording to keep. Afterward, you can either go implement it on your own or we can discuss how we can work together ongoing to move you toward your goal.
You ready for some RELIEF?
Hit reply with I’M IN, I’ll send you the link.
That's it for this week!
I wish you clarity, deep calm and resilience, summer sunshine, magical memories, laugh out loud moments, courage, and protection during these uncertain days.
May love, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.
As always, the coffee and a chat offer is available, I am only an email away.
I hope you have a week blessed with connection, friendship, opened hearted compassion, high vibes, joy filled days, amazing health, prosperity, grace and ease!
Heather V Masters
Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
#1: I just launched a new Coffee and Catchup Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.
#2: Strategy Calls
As entrepreneurs, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next, impactful, action steps.
Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.
How often do you take time out to move away from the doing in your business, and focus on the big picture, reviewing the dream and getting to the nitty gritty stuff that niggles you every day?
In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you cut through the fog and get crystal clear on your next steps toward next level results - more clients, more sales, more effective marketing, tech clarity and simplicity – whatever it is for you.
If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you full details and how to apply.
#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.
If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.
Email: [email protected]
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