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Current Coaching Offers and Packages.

Release Stress and Anxiety, Build Resilience and Learn to Relax into You

1- to-1 and group coaching, Friday's Online.

As things are getting a little stressful in the UK and around the world, I have decided to offer Life and Business coaching, specifically around fear, stress and anxiety on Fridays in April and May 2024.  

If you find you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or fearful, you may find these sessions beneficial.  

If you are struggling in your business and want to explore strategies, growth options and more, why not give me a call to see if this is the right fit for you?  

Until the end of May 2024, I am offering 1-1 sessions at 25% of my usual fee.

Contact me for a call back or to request booking details ( coaching agreement, pre-session questionnaire and prices). 

Contact Form

In Person Relationship Workshops, in Hexham, Northumberland

The Love Audit Workshop Series.
A journey through your relationships, from wounded to wonderful.

4 months of workshops, 8 aspects of love and relationships, in-person at the Bodywork Centre, Hexham, Northumberland.
Beginning in September 2023, through to the end of the month.