Sunday Newsletter - Breaking Through to Your Purpose: Pivoting with Power (21st July 2024)
Jul 21, 2024
Sunday Newsletter
Hello and Happy Sunday.
Wishing you a restful, serene and flowing Sunday.
I hope I find you with your feet up and your favourite beverage in hand, and maybe even a croissant or an indulgent treat.
Today I feel such appreciation for life and all that I have and I hope you’ll join me in that energy of thankfulness.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”
I have a huge mug of coffee this morning, and I am contemplating what has been for me, one of the most challenging weeks of my life. And one of the most rewarding. Sometimes things have to breakdown in order that you breakthrough. That sums up my week.
I hope your week has been less stressful than mine. Though I am grateful for the stress because of the shift that emerged at the other side.
Grab a cuppa and let’s explore what I learned about breakthroughs.
What Has been My Lesson of the Week That Might Help You?
Here are the powerful lessons and ‘Life hacks’ that I have been lucky enough to learn this week.
1 – Life Lesson – Breaking Through Your Blind Spots - Recognising that sometimes stress and compression are the universe asking you to go inward and listen for the lesson.
2 – Business Boost – Pivoting on Purpose
“Breaking Through Your Blind Spots: Going Inward to Go Beyond”.
It’s natural to resist discomfort. To want to feel better quickly.
When we feel extreme discomfort, choosing to sit in that feeling, noticing it in our body and ask what it is teaching us is a powerful way to move through. It’s also a challenge.
This week I got myself so stressed that I was physically ill. I won’t go into details suffice to say all I wanted to do was to go back to bed.
Instead I sat with it. Because I knew I had brought this moment to myself and there was something to learn here.
I took an action that I had been avoiding and used my ‘phone a friend’ card.
The conversation I had with that friend was one of the most revealing ever, and I doubt she even knows it.
It could have turned nasty. I could have lost someone I have respected and loved for over 20 years.
It was my willingness to sit in the energy of “what am I learning here” that allowed me to get the breakthrough.
I learned about a shadow part of myself I had been hiding from for over a decade. I saw where I had been inauthentic with those closest to me in an attempt to ‘keep myself safe’.
I saw sooo clearly how my compensating strategy of withdrawing massively impacted other people.
I had had this narrative that me withdrawing was all about me and in fact prevents me from ‘being a burden’ to others, when actually it was creating the opposite effect.
Me not taking responsibility in a certain part of my life was creating a burden for the very people I loved and I was disrespecting them. I also learned how very devaluing it was to me.
Now the impact of this ‘unconscious strategy’ on myself has been massively destructive. Seeing it and recognising it is allowing me to change my life. And I don’t say that lightly.
I am back on mission, fully embracing and committing to my role in showing up during these extraordinary times.
An Acknowledgement for a Challenge I took:
I want to acknowledge the work I did with Jody Shield this week on her 5 day to 5k challenge and the shadow work and deep energy work that she included.
This work completely reframed my thoughts about my purpose, identity and value and helped me make that call to my friend.
It was free and it was priceless.
Here’s the link – the replays are available for the next week if you are interested.
5 Days to 5K Replays
It’s so not about money. Be willing to face yourself and your shadows.
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”
This week, I also made a massive decision and declaration to pivot my business. Let’s explore this life changing move in this week’s Business Boost.

This Weeks Business Boost:
Hey there, fellow Awakened business owners!
You know I’ve mentioned Grant Cardone and Dan Martell. You’re probably tired of me mentioning them. I get it.
This is one last time, I promise.
The lesson I have taken away from learning more about them is that I am meant to be playing a bigger game at a different level.
I have been so resistant to this because of the ‘world situation’ we find ourselves in. I did not want to play in that system and money was so linked to the fundamental corruption that I did not want any part of it.
My big takeaway from a couple of months of learning, is that I can’t deliver on my purpose without receiving the resources I need to create something new and magnificent for humanity. We aren’t there yet - in terms of solely using resources outside the current structure (or maybe it's just me.
I also stepped into the deep understanding that money is energy, and receiving that energy in whatever form (gold, silver, fiat etc.) is separate from the corrupt system, unless I consciously decide to work with that system. A huge shift in understanding for me.
If I resist the prosperity of an abundant and supportive universe then I resist everything.
I could say more and I recognise that this is controversial thinking. Hey, it’s taken me months to get here.
So what has this got to do with business?
The role/job in my life I felt I had the most impact and success in during my entire career was as the Professional Services Manager in a software consultancy. I excelled and I was creative and I loved my team and seeing them thrive and enjoy their work and we broke records.
And I was made redundant – for being successful.
That shattered me because it broke a fundamental belief I held and had built my life around.
I started my own consultancy business which thrived for a while but I wound it up when I didn’t have the consultants to deliver the work we were attracting. It was a very niche space at the time, with too few consultants available.
I then pivoted to coaching and NLP and to training and to online marketing (the personal development journey of my life).
I also freelance as a technical content creator/author/trainer and consultant.
It’s become obvious to me that there’s a growing gap between the progression of Next Generation technologies and the communication, adoption and understanding of them in the general populous.
The technology is happening anyway, while the impact could be beneficial or enslaving. Lack of awareness will be a deciding factor in which future you choose.
So, I am stepping up and accepting the task of creating training for companies, technical content creators and the end user to help us embrace this technology and use it in the way it meant to work, to maintain and ensure the freedom of humanity.
I intend to use the proceeds to create a respite community for those in trauma and hardship during these pivotal times. Part of that will be given over to an animal rescue and a training centre. That’s the big vision anyway.
I aim to contribute to the building of the new future wherever I can and am handing over my guidance on this to universe. I’m done resisting – it's tiring and it hurts!
What’s this got to do with your business?
I am suspecting that most of us are sitting with big decisions to make about where we take our business going forward.
Maybe you’re asking yourself questions about:
· How do I create a thriving business that is in integrity with freedom and creation of the new?
· How do I operate in the current system as it crumbles and thrive anyway?
· How do I follow my guidance when it’s proposing something I don’t feel equipped to handle?
· Am I worthy enough, valuable enough, courageous enough to step up and outside the status quo?
I personally feel we are at a pivotal point in history right now, today, where we are being asked to commit to our allegiance, personally and professionally. To choose to commit to our purpose and show up irrespective of fear, resistance, limiting beliefs or what has gone before.
It’s time to take that journey within, to face the shadows, access the lessons and listen to and take action on the guidance from source.
To pivot to showing up in all that you are here to be in your business and in life.
Here’s how…
Pivoting Your Online Business to Align with Your Purpose
In the fast-paced world of online entrepreneurship, it's not uncommon to find yourself at a crossroads, feeling disconnected from your initial business vision. If you're sensing a need to pivot towards something more meaningful and aligned with your core values, you're not alone. Here's how to make that transition smoothly and purposefully.
Reflect on Your Values and Passions
The first step in pivoting to a more purpose-driven business is to take a step back and reassess your personal values and passions. Ask yourself:
What truly motivates me beyond financial gain?
What problems do I feel compelled to solve?
What legacy do I want to leave behind?
This introspection will help you identify the direction for your pivot.
Identify Market Needs That Align with Your Purpose
Once you've clarified your values, look for market needs that align with them. Research trends, talk to your existing audience, and explore emerging niches that resonate with your newfound purpose. The sweet spot lies where your passions intersect with market demand.
Leverage Your Existing Skills and Network
As an established online entrepreneur, you have valuable skills and connections. Consider how these can be applied to your new direction. Your existing network can be a goldmine for feedback, partnerships, and initial support for your pivot.
Develop a Transition Plan
Create a strategic plan for your pivot. This might involve:
Gradually introducing new products or services
Rebranding your existing business
Launching a new venture alongside your current one
Be prepared for a transition period and set realistic timelines.
Communicate Your Shift Authentically
As you pivot, be transparent with your audience about your journey. Share your story, the reasons behind your shift, and how it aligns with your core purpose. Authentic communication can help retain existing customers and attract new ones who resonate with your mission.
Embrace Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Pivoting to a purpose-driven business is an ongoing process. Stay open to learning, be willing to adapt your strategies, and remain connected to your core purpose as you navigate this new path.
Maybe get in touch with a coach who resonates with your journey and can keep you accountable, supported, growing and focused. You’ve got my email.
By aligning your online business with a deeper sense of purpose, you not only create more fulfilling work for yourself but also have the potential to make a more significant impact in the world. Remember, the most successful pivots are those that remain true to the entrepreneur's authentic self while meeting a genuine market need.
Are you ready, willing and dedicated to your path?
As always, this is my point of view, and you have your own journey and guidance.
I write to present my learning in the hope it assists others.
‘Money is a tool not the goal. Freedom and Creating Community is the Goal”.
Choosing Happy Podcast Update
It’s the 73rd Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 25th July 2024 – I didn’t publish an episode last week because there was just so much shifting. I didn’t feel it was a time to share. This weeks episode is about committing to your journey and the resources you can use to gain clarity and certainty in the unknown during these shifting times.
A reminder, I’m declaring August ‘Spiritual Woo’ month, when I’ll be interviewing healers, coaches, psychics and energy workers about expanding our consciousness to expand our capacity for happy.
All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast host or on the website at
Also, before I go, 2 quick things:

#1 – Interested in Creative Writing?
I have created so much content during the current Ultimate Creative Writing Challenge that I’m creating a few mini workshops that you’ll be able to access at the website – ‘Show, Don’t Tell’, Structure of writing and more.
I am also going to run the challenge again from August 12th .
You’ll get full access to all of the content and workshops, and get to challenge yourself to practice, grow and get ready to get published (if you want to) over 33 days of community, accountability and creation.
I’ve set up a waitlist for you so you can get all the details as soon as they are available, including when registration opens.
You can find the wait list here:
#2 – What if we solve your problem in One Hour?
This week only, I am opening up 5 single POWER HOUR sessions with me, where we can solve your most pressing issue together for good.
What can we do in one hour?
a strategy to achieve your top goal - drafted for you
10 social media posts written for you
A Domino breakthrough to catapult your success, identified
Quick wins and low hanging fruit identified
Have a Phobia completely disappear (get on that plane this year)
an attitude adjustment so powerful, you leave with a new perspective and new enthusiasm for your business/life
Identify your niche
email funnel mapped out
tools to reset or soothe your nervous system
and more
The way this works is you simply hit reply to this Newsletter with the words “I’M IN.”
I will send you a payment link for £400.
Once you have secured your spot, we will book your session at your convenience.
At the time of your call, we will hop on together, work up a plan so you leave clear and confident to get the result you want. (Or I have completely set up the tech for you. Or got rid of that phobia/block)
You will get the recording to keep. Afterward, you can either go implement it on your own or we can discuss how we can work together ongoing to move you toward your goal.
You ready for some RELIEF?
Hit reply with I’M IN, I’ll send you the link.
That's it for this week!
I wish you clarity, deep commitment and comfort in knowing you are dedicating yourself to your life path.
I wish you resilience, summer sunshine, magical memories, laugh out loud moments, courage, and protection during these uncertain days.
May love, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.
As always, the coffee and a chat offer is available, I am only an email away.
I hope you have a week blessed with powerful guidance, opened hearted compassion, high vibes, joy filled days, amazing health, prosperity, grace and ease!
Heather V Masters
Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
#1: I just launched a new Coffee and Catchup Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.
#2: Strategy Calls
As entrepreneurs, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next, impactful, action steps.
Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.
How often do you take time out to move away from the doing in your business, and focus on the big picture, reviewing the dream and getting to the nitty gritty stuff that niggles you every day?
In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you cut through the fog and get crystal clear on your next steps toward next level results - more clients, more sales, more effective marketing, tech clarity and simplicity – whatever it is for you.
If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you full details and how to apply.
#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.
If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.
Email: [email protected]
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