Sunday Newsletter - Fate vs. Destiny: The Power of Choice in Shaping Your Future
Aug 18, 2024
Hello and Happy Sunday! How is your weekend going?
I have had a blessed weekend with family, friends and fur pups. My sister brought her Bassett Hound puppy, Daisy, to see us yesterday. Such joy and energy in puppies!
I have a large cup of coffee and a slice of Victoria sponge cake. Grab yourself a cuppa and let’s catch up.
Newsletter Update (ongoing)
As I mentioned last week, I’m moving the Newsletter to it’s own dedicated space and removing it from the blog over the next few weeks.
I am also taking the opportunity to review the content, purpose and direction.
Thank you to those who have replied already.
I would love it if you could hit reply and answer the following questions for me please, so that I can tailor future so that it’s valuable to you:
Q1. What changes would you like to see to the Newsletter content: What would you like to see more of, less of and what’s something new you’d add?
Q2. What would be the one thing that would get you read the Newsletter each week? What would you get out of it?
Q3. What keeps you reading any other blogs or newsletters you receive? Please be as specific as possible.
Thank you in advance. This input will really help me going forward.
Another week of insights and growth
The adventure continues.
Let’s explore the meaning of life or at least the meaning of Destiny and Fate. A light read this week!
What Has been My Lesson of the Week That Might Help You?
My lessons this week have been around getting comfortable with not knowing yet choosing destiny over fate. I even had a neighbour I met when out walking my dogs ask me what do I understand about the difference between Destiny and Fate? I am not sure that my perspective is conventional. I thought it might be useful to share at this point in history.
Here's what I’m covering this week:
1 – Life Lesson – Are You Choosing Destiny Over Fate?
2 – Business Boost – The Power of Showing Up: A Guide for Online Entrepreneurs
“Fate is what happens to you; destiny is what you make happen.." - Unknown
1 – Life Lesson:
Fate vs. Destiny: Understanding the Difference and the Importance of Choice.
In this historic time, I personally believe that we are being called to choose between Fate and Destiny.
I think we are at the time of a great crossing and which side of the line you choose will determine whether you have chosen your Destiny or have handed over your life and future to Fate.
Choose carefully.
I believe choosing your Destiny requires great courage, strength and resilience. It’s not the easy choice.
I believe to fulfil out Destiny we need to go through the ‘training’ Source/Universe/God has provided for us and sometimes that means ‘losing everything so that you can have everything’. With freedom comes great responsibility. Freedom and Destiny require great discipline. They require mastery of ourselves, however that may show up for each of us.
Fate on the other hand, feels like a giving in, an acceptance of inevitability. A giving up of the personal power we are born with.
To not decide is to decide for fate, in my opinion.
As more ‘emergencies’ role out, we begin to see those choosing the side of fate and those courageously choosing Destiny.
I also believe that right now there are many on the fence – caught between fear and agency.
Time is running out. It’s time to decide.
Here’s the formal bit…
The concepts of fate and destiny often seem interchangeable, but they have distinct meanings that reflect different perspectives on life. Both terms relate to the idea that certain aspects of our lives are predetermined, yet they diverge in their implications about free will and choice.
Fate is often viewed as a fixed and unavoidable outcome. It suggests that events in our lives are predetermined by forces beyond our control, whether by divine will, the cosmos, or an unchangeable sequence of events. Fate implies that regardless of our actions or desires, the future is set in stone, and we are bound to follow a path that has already been decided. In literature and mythology, fate is frequently portrayed as inescapable, leading characters toward a tragic end despite their best efforts.
Destiny, on the other hand, while still implying a predetermined course, is often perceived as something that aligns more closely with our potential and purpose. It suggests that although certain events may be set to happen, how we arrive at them and what we make of them is shaped by our choices. Destiny carries a more optimistic tone, often associated with fulfilling one’s calling or reaching a significant goal. It suggests that while the endpoint might be inevitable, the journey is largely influenced by our decisions, actions, and intentions.
The importance of choice lies in how it differentiates destiny from fate. While fate leaves little room for personal agency, destiny invites us to shape our lives through the decisions we make. Choice allows us to respond to the opportunities and challenges that come our way, enabling us to forge our path toward a meaningful life. Our choices give us power over our circumstances, turning a predetermined potential into an active pursuit. Even if certain outcomes seem inevitable, how we experience and interpret those outcomes can be influenced by our decisions.
Ultimately, recognizing the distinction between fate and destiny highlights the importance of free will. Fate might suggest resignation to what will be, but destiny emphasizes the creative role we play in our lives. By making conscious choices, we can transform our potential into reality, finding purpose and fulfilment along the way.
I would go one step further and suggest that choosing ones Destiny is choosing to align with the creator and the potential we are here to fulfil this lifetime.
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
– William Shakespeare
I hope this adds value and gives you something to ponder this week.
I would love your thoughts and perspective on this.

This Weeks Business Boost
2. The Power of Showing Up: A Guide for Online Entrepreneurs
I struggled with my motivation and drive this week. I questioned whether I should continue to create content and if it’s any good or of any value. Should I just shut everything down and focus on my own journey.
The answer I came up with is a bit of both. Narrowing the content I produce each week and to keep going going, still showing up, while being more intentional.
My ‘Friday Features’ live video was all about this and I talked about life in general.
Today I would like to focus in on what ‘Showing Up Consistently’ means for Entrepreneurs, especially in this time of change.
As online entrepreneurs, we thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing landscape. We’re driven by creativity, innovation, and the freedom to carve our own paths. But let’s be real—there are days when showing up feels like an uphill battle. Maybe you’re battling imposter syndrome, feeling uninspired, or just overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks on your plate. On those days, it’s easy to question whether you have anything of value to contribute. But here’s a hard truth: Showing up consistently, even when you don’t feel like it, is what sets successful entrepreneurs apart.
Why Consistency Matters
In the digital world, consistency is key. It’s what builds trust with your audience, strengthens your brand, and drives long-term success. When you show up consistently, whether that’s through content creation, customer interactions, or simply staying active in your community, you’re making a statement: I’m committed, I’m reliable, and I’m here to stay.
But consistency isn’t just about others—it’s about you, too. Every time you push through and show up, you’re reinforcing a mindset of perseverance. You’re proving to yourself that you can keep moving forward, even when motivation is low.
Overcoming the Struggle to Show Up
So, what can you do on those tough days when showing up feels impossible? Here are a few strategies:
1. Start Small: Don’t feel like creating a new product or writing a lengthy blog post? That’s okay. Start with something small. Maybe it’s a quick social media update or responding to a few customer emails. Small wins build momentum.
2. Reconnect with Your Why: When motivation is lacking, take a moment to remember why you started. What’s your mission? What impact do you want to make? Reconnecting with your purpose can reignite that inner drive.
3. Focus on Value, Not Perfection: We often hold back because we feel like what we’re offering isn’t “good enough.” But the truth is, your audience values authenticity over perfection. Show up, share your thoughts, and don’t be afraid to be imperfect.
4. Be Kind to Yourself: It’s okay to have off days. What’s important is that you don’t let those days derail you. Remember, progress is better than perfection.
The Takeaway
As an online entrepreneur, your journey is filled with highs and lows. But in the end, it’s your ability to show up consistently that will determine your success. Whether you’re feeling on top of the world or struggling to find your spark, remember this: Every time you show up, you’re one step closer to your goals.
So, the next time you’re feeling out of sorts, ask yourself, “What’s one small thing I can do today?” Then do it. Because in this game, consistency is the real power move.
As always, this is my point of view.
“Keep going, the treasure could be found under your next footstep.”
Choosing Happy Podcast Update
It’s the 78th Episode of the Choosing Happy Podcast this week, and you can access it on Thursday 22nd August 2024 – This week I’m interviewing Fiona Clark, Zenergizer who with energy and frequencies to assist clients to overcome blocks and more.
Last week’s powerful interview was with the amazing Kay Downie about Tarot and Trauma – we had a bit of a technical hitch with an echo and It’s still very worth a listen in my opinion!
August is ‘Spiritual Woo’ month.
I’m continuing to chat to healers, coaches, psychics and energy workers about expanding our consciousness to expand our capacity for happy.
All previous episodes are available…
You can listen on your favourite podcast host or on the website at

That's it for this week!
I wish you good health, heavenly holidays, happiness and joy.
I wish you resilience, magical memories, laugh out loud moments, courage, and protection during these uncertain days.
May love, and healing surround you.
May your family and friends be safe and well.
As always, the coffee and chat offer is available, I am only an email away.
I hope you have a week blessed with wisdom, support, understanding, connection, companionship, prosperity, grace and ease!
Heather V Masters
Chief Coach, Writer, Trainer and Facilitator of Magic
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
#1: Check our my Coffee and Coaching Live on my YouTube and Rumble Channels (Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning – 11 am – live). I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable live content that I think you'll like. It’s my aim to create a healthy habit of live content that serves you. Come check out my channel, and give me a like and subscribe.
#2: Strategy Calls
As entrepreneurs, sometimes we just need an hour with another like-minded person to figure out what to focus on next. And to keep it simple. And to identify our next, impactful, action steps.
Sometimes you’re too close to figure that out for yourself.
How often do you take time out to move away from the doing in your business, and focus on the big picture, reviewing the dream and getting to the nitty gritty stuff that niggles you every day?
In the 1-1 strategy sessions I help you cut through the fog and get crystal clear on your next steps toward next level results - more clients, more sales, more effective marketing, tech clarity and simplicity – whatever it is for you.
If you are interested, drop me a message and I will send you full details and how to apply.
#3: Follow me on LinkedIn for more Tech, strategy, systems, marketing tips, and happiness-building.
If you have something you want to ask, drop me an email and Let's get your questions answered.
Email: [email protected]
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